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3.39M Views -- 96.17K Likes

Published by 健人蓋伊 On - 17/04/24



#奧運 #馬拉松 #出醜 訂閱五件 :
294.69K Views -- 8.27K Likes

Published by 五件小事 On - 22/04/24



#感人 #暖心 #鳥類 訂閱五件 :
1.37M Views -- 37.28K Likes

Published by 五件小事 On - 18/04/24



#石油 #中東 #有錢 訂閱五件 :
286.14K Views -- 5.04K Likes

Published by 五件小事 On - 21/04/24

【中天直播 #LIVE】02:32花蓮6.3強震! 統帥.富凱兩大樓傾斜倒塌 深夜連2震 規模皆6以上

【中天直播 #LIVE】02:32花蓮6.3強震! 統帥.富凱兩大樓傾斜倒塌 深夜連2震 規模皆6以上"極淺層"強震 最大震度花蓮5級 台北震度3級以上 12縣市國家警報 20240423@CtiTv

#地震 #花蓮 #餘震 #強震 #富凱 #統帥 #米崙斷層 #天王星 #大樓倒塌 #國家警報 #北捷 #台鐵 #高鐵 #交通 #監督的力量在中天 東部海域4/23凌晨2點26分發生規模6.0地震,花蓮縣壽豐鄉凌晨2點32分又發生規模6.3地震,深度僅5.5公里,屬於極淺層地震。 氣象署針對12縣市發布國家警報,包括彰化縣、宜蘭縣、花蓮縣、新竹縣、苗栗縣、臺中市、南投縣、雲林縣、嘉義市、嘉義縣、臺南市、臺東縣。 花蓮災情: 📌富凱大飯店(花蓮市中山路154號)傾斜 為原0403地震,已判定紅單受損建物,停業中,暫無傷亡。 📌統帥大樓(花蓮市明禮路5號)傾斜 原0403地震,已判定紅單受損建物,暫無傷亡,警察已到現場,無火災發生。 責任小編:虎編cti135 👉中天新聞網APP下載: 📢📢📢百萬粉絲站出來,全球華人一起來! 請加入《中天新聞志工隊》報名推廣下載中天新聞網APP👉 責任小編:阿咪小編cti543 【中天新聞網APP】來了~ ↓↓ 點擊連結下載 幫小編下載中天新聞網APP ↓↓ 下載就抽小7咖啡或旺幣,手刀下載就對了! ✨天編推薦有折扣 推薦代碼cti888✨ ✨阿咪小編也愛買 推薦代碼cti543✨ 【消暑必備】涼爽飲品冰品解熱專區: 【活力養顏】德國專利膠原蛋白胜肽: 【幫助睡眠】太陽星克菲爾益生菌: 【解放雙手】新潮實用KEEP FIGHTING手機掛繩: 【安心防護】旺旺水神專區: 【中天精神】KEEP FIGHTING中天文創商品: 【完勝麵食】白腎豆萃取物口含錠: 【完勝應酬】薑黃萃取物口含錠: 【絕對涮嘴】旺旺嚼代爽椒組合包: 【隨時享受】旺旺浪味咖啡錠拿鐵風味: 💫推薦訂閱超棒頻道 + 1 💫 民間特偵組 靈異錯別字 忤惡-老Z調查線 高級酸新聞台 兩性密碼 中天車享家 論文門開箱 📣支持監督的力量,請加入中天電視會員👉 💵線上贊助中天👉 (綠界金流/可用信用卡、ATM) 💵直接贊助中天👉彰化銀行台北分行:009-5012帳號:50128688988600戶名:中天電視股份有限公司 🏧ATM:CHANG HWA COMMERCIAL BANK TAIPEI BRANCH(CCBCTWTP501) 🏦A/C NO:50128688988600 A/C NAME:CTI TELEVISION INCORPORATION ⚠️未經著作權人事先書面同意,勿將內容用於商業性質之分享、連結。 ⚠️如有任何營業使用,必須事先取得書面同意。 【中天聊天室規範】歡迎留言互動,請尊重各自立場、理性發言,遵守本聊天室規範,違規者一經發現,將遭刪言或封鎖。〈管理員有權隨時修正規定〉 🚫禁止使用不雅、挑釁、謾罵、歧視、仇恨等言詞 🚫禁止發表危害公共安全等涉及犯罪言論 🚫禁止散布不實訊息 🚫禁止傳送鼓勵博弈訊息 🚫禁止傳送色情服務訊息 🚫禁止任何形式洗版 🚫禁止騷擾管理員與其他使用者 🎵YouTube音樂庫:
973.81K Views -- 7.4K Likes

Published by 中天電視 On - 23/04/24

池水抽光好吃驚in台灣!抽光中興大學池  竟出現一堆超怪生物?《池水抽光好吃驚》|緯來日本台

池水抽光好吃驚in台灣!抽光中興大學池 竟出現一堆超怪生物?《池水抽光好吃驚》|緯來日本台

你沒看錯!就是那集最新的池水抽光! 小淳來台灣中興大學抽池水啦! 究竟池底會出現多少奇怪的生物呢😳 【💧更多池水抽光好吃驚💧】 ➨ --- ☆緯來日本台facebook ☆緯來日本台Instagram ☆緯來日本台LINE ☆緯來日本台官網 --- #環保綜藝 #日綜 #池水抽光 #小淳 #中興大學
753.25K Views -- 15.43K Likes

Published by 緯來日本台 On - 21/04/24

火爆互槓!建啤審議會里長按鈴打斷 王世堅拍桌狠嗆:丟臉啦 @ChinaTimes #shorts #王世堅 #里長 #建國啤酒廠 #北科大 #校地 #民進黨 #拍桌

火爆互槓!建啤審議會里長按鈴打斷 王世堅拍桌狠嗆:丟臉啦 @ChinaTimes #shorts #王世堅 #里長 #建國啤酒廠 #北科大 #校地 #民進黨 #拍桌

支持小編剪片剪到天亮❤️ : 中時新聞網FB粉絲專頁👉 中時新聞網官網👉 加入【中時新聞網LINE】好友 👉 追蹤【中時新聞網IG】👉
986.98K Views -- 19K Likes

Published by 中時新聞網 On - 17/04/24

这只能怪自己#fighting #shorts

这只能怪自己#fighting #shorts

It's a magical place: Among the strong there will be stronger ones! 强中自有强中手! Continue to challenge higher mountains 一山还比一山高! Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Martial Arts! 综合格斗,拳击,武术! In the cruel arena of strong men, who is the undefeated overlord? 残酷的强者擂台上,谁会是屹立不倒的霸王!
875.49K Views -- 14.7K Likes

Published by 武林之巅 On - 18/04/24

🐟鮪魚蛋餅、🥤大冰奶?!🇫🇷法國人送100份免費台灣早餐到甘比亞🇬🇲?!WE OPENED A BREAKFAST SHOP IN THE GAMBIA!

🐟鮪魚蛋餅、🥤大冰奶?!🇫🇷法國人送100份免費台灣早餐到甘比亞🇬🇲?!WE OPENED A BREAKFAST SHOP IN THE GAMBIA!

各位我們在非洲開了台灣早餐店!🌍 謝謝黑龍邀請我們去他的學校🏫 我們送了100份個台灣早餐給甘比亞小朋友~ 透過美食讓他們認識台灣 🇹🇼 對我們團隊來說算是滿滿有意義的經驗😌 去看黑龍帶我去玩的影片: @Tw-Universe
955.42K Views -- 37.89K Likes

Published by Ku's dream酷的夢- On - 21/04/24

Share your “fortnight” recap with #ForAFortnightChallenge 🤍 brought to you by YouTube Shorts

Share your “fortnight” recap with #ForAFortnightChallenge 🤍 brought to you by YouTube Shorts

68.39M Views -- 2.99M Likes

Published by Taylor Swift On - 20/04/24

跟我比賽啊 #shorts

跟我比賽啊 #shorts

🐈懂你的可愛,陪你一起怪 ! 喵喵T恤 讓全家一起卡哇伊 | 4/20預購開跑👉 🕯️光影系列𝗟𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 & 𝗦𝗵𝗮𝗱𝗼𝘄 𝗦𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 | 用香味添加你的不平凡👉 💪第四屆𝑮𝑲𝑩𝑩成吉思汗全國健美公開賽 | 想看肌情四射這邊請👉 💧跨越雨季!遨遊組合價|水行防水鞋 + 服飾組合優惠👉 🔔叮!Airdrop有通知!傳送一則好康給你|人氣品牌衣85折👉 💗惡名昭彰成人館 | 館長嚴選超激推薦👉 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻 館長陳之漢 飆捍FB👉🏽 館長陳之漢 Podcast👉🏽 惡名昭彰 官方網站👉🏽 會員制度與規章👉🏽 惡名昭彰 官方Line👉🏽 惡名昭彰 官方IG👉🏽 惡名昭彰 官方FB👉🏽 True飯 官方LINE👉🏽 True飯 官方IG👉🏽 True飯 官方FB👉🏽 成吉思汗健身俱樂部 官方FB👉🏽 🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺 💗加入頻道會員享有徽章/特殊貼圖符號💗 🙋🏻‍♀️社群按讚搶先看獲取最新消息🙋🏻 #館長 #館長直播 #完整直播
146.81K Views -- 5.99K Likes

Published by 館長惡名昭彰 On - 22/04/24

弟弟睡觉前把水管堵住了,一觉醒来全家都懵了!#家庭搞笑#亲子押韵#搞笑#父痴子笑 #家庭搞笑 #熊孩子#funny #stupidson

弟弟睡觉前把水管堵住了,一觉醒来全家都懵了!#家庭搞笑#亲子押韵#搞笑#父痴子笑 #家庭搞笑 #熊孩子#funny #stupidson

我们的短剧是为了为观众提供娱乐,完全遵守平台的使用政策。 点个关注不迷路哦: 做有趣的父子,录好玩的视频😂 哈喽~大家好呀~ ✦这里是父痴子笑✦ 父爱是一把大伞,总在有雨的天里撑着; 一对好朋友,快乐父子俩; 父子俩玩的不亦乐乎,养娃娃真好; 更新父子有趣视频,看了别忘记点个订阅呀~❤ #搞笑#父痴子笑 #家庭搞笑 #熊孩子 #funny #stupidfather #stupidson
141.2K Views -- 4.69K Likes

Published by 父痴子笑 On - 22/04/24



#牛奶是只猫 #治愈 #小奶猫 #金渐层 感谢您的观看!如果您喜欢我们视频,请喜欢分享和评论!希望大家多多支持我們的小可爱!! Thank you for watching! If you like our video, please like to share and comment! I hope everyone will support our little cutie! ! 歡迎訂閱:
485.29K Views -- 24.07K Likes

Published by 牛奶是只猫 kitty milk On - 19/04/24

[Multi Subs] 傅家少奶奶大婚之日酒店空無一人,傅家少爺卻偷偷和律師會面,企圖離婚?!【全集獨播首發】#短劇 #愛情 #复仇 《城南花正开》

[Multi Subs] 傅家少奶奶大婚之日酒店空無一人,傅家少爺卻偷偷和律師會面,企圖離婚?!【全集獨播首發】#短劇 #愛情 #复仇 《城南花正开》

該短劇為南京玄水文化傳播有限公司原創,经授权后在本頻道內獨家上傳,除此外均為盜版! 感謝您對正版內容的支持,不要忘記訂閱本頻道!
315.37K Views -- 2.67K Likes

Published by 【玄水剧场】官方频道 On - 21/04/24

為什麼看到柯震東還這麼失望? #酷炫老師 #柯震東

為什麼看到柯震東還這麼失望? #酷炫老師 #柯震東

257K Views -- 7.96K Likes

Published by 酷炫老師 On - 21/04/24

Get top YouTube trends from diffrent places from Wordwide locations

YouTube has become one of the most popular social media platforms, with billions of monthly active users. YouTube trends are a crucial aspect of the platform, as they help creators and businesses stay up to date on the latest topics and create relevant content. In this article, we will discuss what YouTube trends are, how they work, and how you can use them to grow your channel.


Understanding YouTube Trends

YouTube trends are videos, topics, or themes that are popular on the platform at a given time. YouTube trends can include anything from viral challenges and memes to news and current events. YouTube trends are not limited to a particular niche or topic and can range from music and entertainment to beauty and lifestyle.

YouTube trends are typically determined by a combination of factors, including video views, likes, comments, and shares. YouTube's algorithm analyzes these factors to determine which videos are trending and then displays them on the platform's trending page. The trending page is a section on the YouTube homepage that showcases the most popular videos on the platform.


Why YouTube Trends Matter

YouTube trends are essential for creators and businesses looking to grow their channels and reach new audiences. By creating content around trending topics, creators can increase their visibility on the platform and attract new subscribers. YouTube trends can also be used to generate new content ideas and provide inspiration for future videos.

Additionally, YouTube trends can be used to identify new marketing opportunities. Brands can use YouTube trends to promote their products or services and reach new audiences. By leveraging popular trends, brands can increase their reach and engagement on the platform.


How to Use YouTube Trends

Monitor Trends in Real-Time

YouTube trends can change rapidly, so it's essential to monitor them in real-time to stay up to date on the latest topics. You can use YouTube's search function to search for specific keywords or phrases and filter the results by time to see the most recent videos.

Create Relevant Content

Creating relevant content around YouTube trends can help increase your visibility on the platform and attract new subscribers. You can create videos that provide your perspective on a particular trend or showcase your skills or talents related to the trend. Make sure to provide value to your audience and avoid simply jumping on a trend without adding anything new or interesting to the conversation.

Participate in Challenges

YouTube challenges are a popular type of trend on the platform. Challenges typically involve a particular task or activity that users can participate in and share their results on the platform. Participating in challenges can be a fun way to engage with your audience and attract new subscribers.

Collaborate with Other Creators

Collaborating with other creators who are also interested in a particular trend can help increase your reach and engagement on the platform. You can collaborate with other creators by creating videos together or by promoting each other's content.

Promote Your Content

Promoting your content on social media can help increase your visibility and attract new subscribers. You can use social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to promote your videos and engage with your audience.

Tips for Using YouTube Trends

Here are some tips to help you use YouTube trends effectively:

Be Authentic

When creating content around YouTube trends, it's essential to be authentic and true to your brand. Avoid creating content that doesn't align with your brand or values, as this can turn off your existing audience and harm your reputation.

Be Creative

To stand out from the crowd, it's important to be creative when creating content around YouTube trends. Try to provide a unique perspective or add something new to the conversation to make your content more engaging and interesting.

Be Consistent

Consistency is key when it comes to building a successful YouTube channel. Make sure to post new videos on a regular schedule and engage with your audience regularly to maintain their interest and loyalty.

Analyze Your Results

It's essential to track your results when creating content around YouTube trends. Analyzing your performance can help you identify what works and what doesn't, allowing you to make adjustments to improve your future videos. You can use YouTube's analytics dashboard to track your video views, engagement, and other key metrics.

Keep Up with Current Events

YouTube trends often reflect current events, so it's important to stay up to date with what's happening in the world. Following news outlets, social media, and other sources of information can help you stay informed and create timely, relevant content.

Don't Chase Trends

While it's important to stay up to date on YouTube trends, it's also essential to be selective about the trends you choose to participate in. Avoid chasing trends that don't align with your brand or values, as this can harm your reputation and turn off your audience.

Focus on Quality

Creating high-quality content is essential for building a successful YouTube channel. Make sure to invest in the right equipment and software to create professional-looking videos that engage your audience and showcase your skills and expertise.

Engage with Your Audience

Engaging with your audience is a crucial aspect of building a successful YouTube channel. Make sure to respond to comments, participate in discussions, and seek feedback from your viewers to build a loyal fan base and improve your content.

Be Patient

Building a successful YouTube channel takes time and effort. It's essential to be patient and persistent, even if your videos don't immediately go viral or attract a large audience. Consistently creating high-quality content and engaging with your audience can help you build a successful channel over time.


In conclusion, YouTube trends are a crucial aspect of the platform, as they can help creators and businesses grow their channels and reach new audiences. By staying up to date on the latest topics and creating relevant content, you can increase your visibility on the platform and attract new subscribers. Remember to be authentic, creative, and consistent, and focus on providing value to your audience to build a successful YouTube channel.

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