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中年好聲音2|登峯之戰|登峯之曲 全部評審起身鼓掌|最後三強自選歌較量 古淖文《Feeling Good》勇奪金獎殊榮|中2決賽|音樂|歌唱比賽|音樂節目|TVB_Variety

中年好聲音2|登峯之戰|登峯之曲 全部評審起身鼓掌|最後三強自選歌較量 古淖文《Feeling Good》勇奪金獎殊榮|中2決賽|音樂|歌唱比賽|音樂節目|TVB_Variety

【 中年好聲音2 】登峯之戰-登峯之曲 全部評審起身鼓掌|最後三強自選歌較量 古淖文《Feeling Good》勇奪金獎殊榮 中二「登峯之戰」,古淖文、安雅希、譚輝智、顏米羔、黃劍文、沈宗賢、陳俞霏爭奪王者寶座! 七強各自唱出一快一慢兩首歌曲,綜合評審評分與全球觀眾投票,得分較高三人晉級終極對壘。最後三強以自選歌較量,角逐金、銀、銅獎殊榮,現場亦會頒發網上投選的「觀眾最愛好聲音」。 「天后」楊千嬅加入評審之列,聯同陳慧嫻、Maria Cordero、伍仲衡、張佳添、周國豐肩負評分重責。台灣歌后蔡琴獻聲助興,為中年追夢者打氣! 🔗【中年好聲音2】最新節目 賽果及參賽者資訊 專頁:中年好聲音2 #TVB #中年好聲音2 #登峯之戰 #金銀銅角逐戰 #古淖文 #FeelingGood #音樂 #music #經典老歌 #粵語歌曲 #歌唱比賽 #懷舊金曲 #音樂會 #音樂節目 #音樂綜藝節目 #中2決賽 #綜藝 #TVB綜藝 #香港綜藝節目 #tvbvariety #TVB_Variety #MidlifeSingShine2 ---------------------------------------- 何濟公止痛退熱散呈獻:【 中年好聲音2 】精華傳送門► 【 中年好聲音2 】花絮/宣傳 傳送門► 【 中年好聲音2 】100強 SOLO傳送門► 【 中年好聲音2 】60強 1對1PK賽 傳送門►強1對1PK賽 【 中年好聲音2 】5燈歌曲 傳送門►中年好聲音2_5燈歌曲 【 中年好聲音2 】30強團戰 傳送門►強團戰 【 中年好聲音2 】勁歌金曲生死鬥26強 傳送門►勁歌金曲生死鬥 【 中年好聲音2 】24強導師分組賽 傳送門►導師分組賽 【 中年好聲音2 】21強動感/情感PK賽 傳送門►強動感情感PK賽 【 中年好聲音2 】18強故事之歌 年終淘汰賽 傳送門►強故事之歌 【 中年好聲音2 】16強《二人對唱》傳送門►強二人對唱 【 中年好聲音2 】15強《中1+2助力賽》傳送門► 【 中年好聲音2 】陳慧嫻金曲賽 傳送門►陳慧嫻金曲賽 【 中年好聲音2 】雙語之歌 傳送門►雙語之歌 【 中年好聲音2 】聲夢中二合唱 傳送門►聲夢中二合唱 【 中年好聲音2 】致敬黃霑金曲 傳送門►致敬黃霑金曲 ---------------------------------------- 《 中年好聲音2 》( 英語:Midlife, Sing&Shine 2 )是由香港電視廣播有限公司製作的音樂選秀節目,為《 中年好聲音 》第二季。電視台在2023年5月開始招募參賽者,參賽者年齡必須為35歲或以上,且沒有預先簽訂任何唱片公司合約。海選分別在2023年6月11日,6月24日和7月2日進行並在TVB娛樂新聞Youtube頻道全程網絡直播。節目於9月10日起播出正賽,由「香港何濟公止痛退熱散」贊助播出第1集至第11集。 節目類型:選秀節目、真人騷、綜藝節目 主持:車婉婉、許文軒(海選、後台) 評審:肥媽、陳慧嫻、周國豐、伍仲衡、張佳添 監製:吳國華 陳俊聲 編審:鄭瑞麒 葉志強 前作:《 中年好聲音 》 相關節目:《 中年好聲音2 100強大召集 》 《 中年好聲音2 Ready! Go! 》 2022年11月至2023年4月,第一季《 中年好聲音 》播出並大獲好評。2023年4月,無綫電視總經理曾志偉宣佈第2輯於4月23日11時開始接受報名,因此第二季正式確定將開播。 《 中年好聲音2 》的三輪海選在2023年6月11日,24日和7月2日舉行。總經理曾志偉透露指估計近高達5000人會參加三輪海選。 2023年7月16日,《 中年好聲音2 100強大召集 》播出,介紹海選參賽者。 2023年8月12日,舉行《 中年好聲音2 》記者會,公佈108位參賽者名單以及陳慧嫻成為固定評審之一。並於2023年9月3日播出前奏節目《中年好聲音2 Ready! Go!》,追蹤記者會幕後情況及公開參賽者的綵排花絮。 2023年9月10日起,《 中年好聲音2 》正賽播出。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 👉🏻想了解更多TVB 的綜藝最新資訊👈🏻 ❤️❤️即刻like/follow晒我哋TVB 綜藝!!❤️❤️ Facebook : Instagram:
251.87K Views -- 4.59K Likes

Published by TVB 綜藝 On - 24/03/24

麻将人分手?表面研究分手,实则为了胡牌~#搞笑 #李宗恒 #shorts

麻将人分手?表面研究分手,实则为了胡牌~#搞笑 #李宗恒 #shorts

1.18M Views -- 47.09K Likes

Published by 李宗恒 On - 19/03/24

Beautiful girl respect 🤯啊啊啊 吃惊😲16亿人民

Beautiful girl respect 🤯啊啊啊 吃惊😲16亿人民

369.89K Views -- 11.98K Likes

Published by 方兄来了 On - 22/03/24

【《中年好聲音2》三甲誕生】冠軍古淖文:江湖味已不重要!亞軍譚輝智:以後跟你搵食 季軍顏米羔一個人逗兩份糧?

【《中年好聲音2》三甲誕生】冠軍古淖文:江湖味已不重要!亞軍譚輝智:以後跟你搵食 季軍顏米羔一個人逗兩份糧?

【《中年好聲音2》三甲誕生】冠軍古淖文:江湖味已不重要!亞軍譚輝智:以後跟你搵食 季軍顏米羔一個人逗兩份糧? 魔方全媒 娛樂全世界 MoreForms Media Entertains The World
126.92K Views -- 2.3K Likes

Published by MoreForms Media魔方全媒 On - 24/03/24

MC 張天賦 - 隔牆有耳 Background Noise (Official Lyric Video)

MC 張天賦 - 隔牆有耳 Background Noise (Official Lyric Video)

MC 張天賦 - 隔牆有耳 Background Noise (Official Lyric Video) 這刻的我其實並不介意孤獨,甚至渴望孤獨。但為甚麼這個只得我和四道牆的空間之中,還有你和他那揮之不去的聲音? #MC張天賦 #隔牆有耳 #BackgroundNoise #TREBLE —————— 曲:齊樂平 / 徐浩 詞:陳詠謙 編:徐浩 / 黃兆銘 監:徐浩 如我不想見人 誰又要你操心 潛意識鎖上門 天昏地暗 讓熟悉變陌生 而我開始聽聞 誰又與你走得極近 情節不必細說 一講下去 如何自禁 如你想擁抱誰 誰覺得我想知 如你想親吻誰 誰又要詐不知 沒法子聽你笑 掩起了我雙耳 寂靜不過如此 如你想呼喊誰 誰浪費我心思 如你想深愛誰 誰又要你通知 為了不失氣派 失聰也算可以 停止 我不想我在意 誰劈開一扇門 來問我過得多混帳 無意中等過你 親手遞上 向腦袋開冷槍 我在你隔壁偷偷復原療傷 腦內卻有尖叫引爆我無限聯想 絕對不想知道這一切 無聊倔強 如你想擁抱誰 誰覺得我想知 如你想親吻誰 誰又要詐不知 沒法子聽你笑 掩起了我雙耳 寂靜不過如此 如你想呼喊誰 誰浪費我心思 如你想深愛誰 誰又要你通知 為了不失氣派 失聰也算可以 停止 我不想我在意 如你想擁抱誰 誰覺得我想知 如你想親吻誰 誰又要詐不知 負太多戀愛債 先出爾再反爾 墮落正是如此 如你想呼喊誰 誰浪費我心思 如你想深愛誰 誰又要你通知 為了不必妥協 失憶我也可以 從此 再好好過日子 Drum, Bass, Guitar, Programming and Backing vocal by 徐浩 Piano and strings arrangement by 黃兆銘 Strings by Leslie quartet Mixing by Frankie Hung Mastering by Alex Psaroudakis ————— Connect with MC Facebook: Instagram:
762.94K Views -- 10.92K Likes

Published by MC 張天賦 On - 11/03/24

陳欣健照顧認知障礙症太太十三年 「她活在虛渺世界裏面」|陳欣健專訪

陳欣健照顧認知障礙症太太十三年 「她活在虛渺世界裏面」|陳欣健專訪

「蓉蓉喜歡吃糖,有糖吃就會笑,蓉蓉唯一的嗜好是打麻雀,她不喜歡逛街飲茶......」蓉蓉是陳欣健的妻子張蓉蓉,曾經的邵氏明星尤情,十三年前被診斷患認知障礙症,現在不肯定認不認得丈夫,不過陳欣健每次回家都在她面前隆重宣布:「我回來了,我是你老公!」然後會看到太太向他微笑點頭。 作為照顧者,陳欣健認為最大的壓力,除了令太太快樂更要照顧好太太的健康,「她不知道天冷要加衣,天熱會出汗要穿少一點,她也不知道飽和餓,旁人聽來好像很淒涼,但我覺得她只是返老還童,成為需要我照顧的嬰兒。」 #陳欣健 #邵氏女星 #認知障礙症 #專訪 全文: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 立即訂閱《明周》電子版: 明周娛樂 明周文化 想食明周 INNER https://
461.47K Views -- 6.85K Likes

Published by MPWeekly明周 On - 20/03/24



【幕後花絮/NG 片段/直播重溫】 加入會員👉🏻 👇🏻更多影片👇🏻 食譜: Facebook: Instagram: Youtube: 點 Cook Guide: 搞神馬: 關鍵字: #食譜 #煮食 #甜品 #生活 #開箱 #試食 #旅遊 #vlog
548.81K Views -- 30.86K Likes

Published by 點 Cook Guide On - 18/03/24



我是熱愛模型的快樂老丁~ 憑著興趣和愛好,這些年一直在玩模型,也會參加一些模型的研發工作; 工作之餘,我還會拍些視頻,記錄日常,分享快樂~ 有模型車的挑戰 有拿著模型出門“調戲”街頭路人 有時是和老婆鬥智鬥勇 此頻道為我在YouTube上的唯一官方帳號,內容皆為自己拍攝 若有其他帳號有相同的內容均為盜版,請大家支持正版 歡迎大家關注~
326.06K Views -- 5.81K Likes

Published by 男人的快樂老丁 On - 22/03/24

《中年好聲音2丨預熱登峯吹唱會丨See Saw先》 第一集

《中年好聲音2丨預熱登峯吹唱會丨See Saw先》 第一集

今晚《中年好聲音2 預熱登峯吹唱會》第一集,先請嚟四位七強唱將:顏米羔、譚輝智、古淖文、同陳俞霏,同伍Sir(伍仲衡) Jam歌; 劉威煌做埋MC,一齊吹水爆料! 聽歌之餘,記住留意伍Sir喺片段中會問一條有關《中年好聲音2》電視節目嘅問題,只要你喺留言區答中問題,經過抽籤後,更有機會獨得《中年好聲音2 登峯之戰》決賽飛2張添! 係獨得呀! 其他幸運兒亦有機會贏取中年好聲音2十四強簽名海報1張,名額10份! 參加方法請參閱下方回覆 #中年好聲音2 #登峯之戰 #門票 #送票 #顏米羔 #譚輝智 #古淖文 #陳俞霏 #安雅希 #黃劍文 #沈宗賢 #劉威煌 #伍仲衡 #SeeSaw先 #SeeSawSin 本活動相關條款及細則詳見留言區。
159.76K Views -- 3.96K Likes

Published by See Saw 先 On - 21/03/24

熊孩子调皮的背后,居然隐藏大秘密 #正能量 #儿童安全 #段子

熊孩子调皮的背后,居然隐藏大秘密 #正能量 #儿童安全 #段子

小然哥的视角看世界: 嗨~小伙伴们😊 这里有 一枚搞笑可爱的小朋友, 欢迎见证我的成长。 记录生活中开开心心快快乐乐嘻嘻哈哈的小插曲 用众多的小故事带你感受生活的乐趣 希望爱我的你们能够天天开心 希望可以传播正能量给大家 走的时候不要忘记动动指头点追踪哟🤞💖~ 我们会特别关注儿童的安全需求,制作内容时会避免任何可能对其产生负面影响的情节。 #小然哥来了#萌娃#段子#儿童安全#安全防范#安全知识#悬疑#短剧#正能量
314.61K Views -- 12.91K Likes

Published by 小然哥来了 On - 22/03/24

花式戒游手段有 #欢乐家长群 #张嘉益新剧想出奇招教儿子 #欢乐家长群#Growing Together#MangoTV#shorts

花式戒游手段有 #欢乐家长群 #张嘉益新剧想出奇招教儿子 #欢乐家长群#Growing Together#MangoTV#shorts

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440.34K Views -- 12.29K Likes

Published by MangoTV Shorts On - 24/02/24

政法單位張軍報告時#李強 打小報告?# 習近平 當眾「敲桌」教訓人大委員長#趙樂際 !@ebcCTime #shorts

政法單位張軍報告時#李強 打小報告?# 習近平 當眾「敲桌」教訓人大委員長#趙樂際 !@ebcCTime #shorts

完整版: 最新時事不漏接▶ 關鍵精華一次看▶ ●訂閱《關鍵時刻》頻道: ●支持《關鍵時刻》加入YouTube會員: ●《關鍵時刻》粉絲團: #劉寶傑 #關鍵時刻 #中國 #習近平 #兩會 #李強 #趙樂際
1.42M Views -- 6.92K Likes

Published by 關鍵時刻 On - 14/03/24

MC 張天賦 - 七點半鐘的陽光 AM730 (Official Lyric Video)

MC 張天賦 - 七點半鐘的陽光 AM730 (Official Lyric Video)

MC 張天賦 - 七點半鐘的陽光 AM730 (Official Lyric Video) 我與你之間,只需相逢,不必相識;只需配樂,不必說話;只需彼此擦肩,不必為對方停留。 #MC張天賦 #七點半鐘的陽光 #AM730 #TREBLE —————— 曲:陳震豪 / 王聖豪 詞:小克 編:Frankie Yip / Jason Kui 監:徐浩 陽光於七點半鐘 投向路人仍在發夢 陪我在尋求 更溫暖的一種觸碰 呆等你每日經過 時間像沒流動 這哀傷臉孔 卻那麼動容 紅腫的一雙眼睛 如劫後殘留著性命 陪我在凝神 耳機播的竟可呼應 淪落在同一都市 如盼望獲邀請 你會否逗留 證實這感應 是誰讓你哭過 播著沉重悲歌 如可守護從未相識的你每天掠過 送上一點安慰拭乾雙眼望 清楚 在長路裡 被遺下的 你我 微小的一顆刺青 長髮內埋藏著記認 陪我在留神 設想你的一點率性 淪落在同一都市 仍有浪漫憧憬 創傷的盡頭 有美好的風景 是誰讓你哭過 播著沉重悲歌 抱擁此生並未相識的你也不為過 送上一點安慰拭乾雙眼望 清楚 在情路裡 換來什麼 是誰讓你哭過 來沉重悲歌 如可假扮從未相識一對當可憐我 互送一點安慰假裝出邂逅 可以麼 還是你 一早醫好這痛楚 是誰讓我哭過 來沉默安歌 如可將舊時熟識的章節徹底重播 在每天七點半翻演這愛情 的最初 無奈你 陰影裡沒回望我 —------- Production Credits: All instruments by Frankie Yip Except guitar by Jason Kui Drums by 徐浩 Backing vocal by Raymond Wan / Bernard Chan Mixed by 徐浩 Mastering by Alex Psaroudakis ————— Connect with MC Facebook: Instagram:
387.13K Views -- 5.35K Likes

Published by MC 張天賦 On - 11/03/24

England 0-1 Brazil | Endrick Scores Late Winner | Highlights

England 0-1 Brazil | Endrick Scores Late Winner | Highlights

England suffered their first defeat in eleven games as Endrick struck late to hand Brazil a 1-0 win in an end-to-end match at Wembley Stadium. SUBSCRIBE to ensure you don’t miss a video from the England YouTube channel. Hit the bell to get notifications on our latest uploads! ► Subscribe: ► Twitter: ► Instagram: ► Facebook: ► Twitch: ► TikTok: ► Web: #England #ThreeLions
8.44M Views -- 135.32K Likes

Published by England On - 23/03/24

Appa meets a drag queen

Appa meets a drag queen

Stream full episodes of Kim's Convenience, for free, on CBC Gem: ➤ Subscribe: --- About CBC Gem: CBC Gem offers the full programming slate, from drama to documentaries and sports. Available for free as an app for iOS and Android devices and online at, and on television via Apple TV and Google Chromecast. --- About CBC: Welcome to the official YouTube channel for CBC, Canada’s public broadcaster. CBC is dedicated to creating content with original voices that inspire and entertain. Watch sneak peeks and trailers, behind the scenes footage, original web series, digital-exclusives and more. Connect with CBC Online: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: --- We encourage thoughtful comments and respectful discussion. Before commenting, please review our community guidelines:
24.32M Views -- 1.52M Likes

Published by CBC On - 07/03/24

Get top YouTube trends from diffrent places from Wordwide locations

YouTube has become one of the most popular social media platforms, with billions of monthly active users. YouTube trends are a crucial aspect of the platform, as they help creators and businesses stay up to date on the latest topics and create relevant content. In this article, we will discuss what YouTube trends are, how they work, and how you can use them to grow your channel.


Understanding YouTube Trends

YouTube trends are videos, topics, or themes that are popular on the platform at a given time. YouTube trends can include anything from viral challenges and memes to news and current events. YouTube trends are not limited to a particular niche or topic and can range from music and entertainment to beauty and lifestyle.

YouTube trends are typically determined by a combination of factors, including video views, likes, comments, and shares. YouTube's algorithm analyzes these factors to determine which videos are trending and then displays them on the platform's trending page. The trending page is a section on the YouTube homepage that showcases the most popular videos on the platform.


Why YouTube Trends Matter

YouTube trends are essential for creators and businesses looking to grow their channels and reach new audiences. By creating content around trending topics, creators can increase their visibility on the platform and attract new subscribers. YouTube trends can also be used to generate new content ideas and provide inspiration for future videos.

Additionally, YouTube trends can be used to identify new marketing opportunities. Brands can use YouTube trends to promote their products or services and reach new audiences. By leveraging popular trends, brands can increase their reach and engagement on the platform.


How to Use YouTube Trends

Monitor Trends in Real-Time

YouTube trends can change rapidly, so it's essential to monitor them in real-time to stay up to date on the latest topics. You can use YouTube's search function to search for specific keywords or phrases and filter the results by time to see the most recent videos.

Create Relevant Content

Creating relevant content around YouTube trends can help increase your visibility on the platform and attract new subscribers. You can create videos that provide your perspective on a particular trend or showcase your skills or talents related to the trend. Make sure to provide value to your audience and avoid simply jumping on a trend without adding anything new or interesting to the conversation.

Participate in Challenges

YouTube challenges are a popular type of trend on the platform. Challenges typically involve a particular task or activity that users can participate in and share their results on the platform. Participating in challenges can be a fun way to engage with your audience and attract new subscribers.

Collaborate with Other Creators

Collaborating with other creators who are also interested in a particular trend can help increase your reach and engagement on the platform. You can collaborate with other creators by creating videos together or by promoting each other's content.

Promote Your Content

Promoting your content on social media can help increase your visibility and attract new subscribers. You can use social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to promote your videos and engage with your audience.

Tips for Using YouTube Trends

Here are some tips to help you use YouTube trends effectively:

Be Authentic

When creating content around YouTube trends, it's essential to be authentic and true to your brand. Avoid creating content that doesn't align with your brand or values, as this can turn off your existing audience and harm your reputation.

Be Creative

To stand out from the crowd, it's important to be creative when creating content around YouTube trends. Try to provide a unique perspective or add something new to the conversation to make your content more engaging and interesting.

Be Consistent

Consistency is key when it comes to building a successful YouTube channel. Make sure to post new videos on a regular schedule and engage with your audience regularly to maintain their interest and loyalty.

Analyze Your Results

It's essential to track your results when creating content around YouTube trends. Analyzing your performance can help you identify what works and what doesn't, allowing you to make adjustments to improve your future videos. You can use YouTube's analytics dashboard to track your video views, engagement, and other key metrics.

Keep Up with Current Events

YouTube trends often reflect current events, so it's important to stay up to date with what's happening in the world. Following news outlets, social media, and other sources of information can help you stay informed and create timely, relevant content.

Don't Chase Trends

While it's important to stay up to date on YouTube trends, it's also essential to be selective about the trends you choose to participate in. Avoid chasing trends that don't align with your brand or values, as this can harm your reputation and turn off your audience.

Focus on Quality

Creating high-quality content is essential for building a successful YouTube channel. Make sure to invest in the right equipment and software to create professional-looking videos that engage your audience and showcase your skills and expertise.

Engage with Your Audience

Engaging with your audience is a crucial aspect of building a successful YouTube channel. Make sure to respond to comments, participate in discussions, and seek feedback from your viewers to build a loyal fan base and improve your content.

Be Patient

Building a successful YouTube channel takes time and effort. It's essential to be patient and persistent, even if your videos don't immediately go viral or attract a large audience. Consistently creating high-quality content and engaging with your audience can help you build a successful channel over time.


In conclusion, YouTube trends are a crucial aspect of the platform, as they can help creators and businesses grow their channels and reach new audiences. By staying up to date on the latest topics and creating relevant content, you can increase your visibility on the platform and attract new subscribers. Remember to be authentic, creative, and consistent, and focus on providing value to your audience to build a successful YouTube channel.

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